Form is temporary, class is permanent.

People are becoming very short sighted. They are only seeing the last game, or maybe the last four games. (That’s only a couple of weeks really).

They aren’t seeing the past capabilities.

The capabilities that got them to a certain point. Those character traits that set them in good stead to achieve their accomplishments.

Anyone can have a good game. Literally anyone.

But, consistent pursuit of excellence and output builds class.

Class is what you’ll be known for when it’s all said and done. It’s class that will separate you from everyone else.

Now, class isn’t measured by the trophies in your cabinet.

It’s measured by the times you show up when you don’t want to.

It’s measured by the times you make the simple play.

It’s measured by your actions away from the game.

It’s measured by your preparation.

So just because you’ve hit a rough spot and people start to talk about your ability. Just remember.

Form is temporary, class is permanent.
